Secrets for me to be more at PEACE



1.    What if-I just didn’t care about the mess? I give too much energy to mess. Messy toys, messy crumbs, sticky messes. Messy dishes clean and not put away and dirty dishes not washed. Messy children’s rooms. What if I just didn’t worry about the mess. What is the worst thing that could happen?

A.    More mice. Yes, but even when life is bleached and scrubbed clean, the mice still know how to sneak in. In the Fall we usually get four.

B.     People will think I don’t take good care of my home, and family. I doubt it. If I am judged by those people, do I want to be friends with them? On the flip side-people judge if you are too clean-maybe you have that compulsive disorder thing? Have I ever judged a person by the lack of cleanliness of their home? Sometimes a lived in-messy house makes people feel comfortable. “Hey, cool, you’re not perfect either.” My dear father-in-law doesn’t have the cleanest house. It is very neat but he doesn’t care if we take our shoes off which is very nice actually. I make my family take their shoes off.

C.  What if-I just cleaned up the next morning and didn’t get upset with everyone? How to do this and not let kids think they don’t need to be responsible for their stuff….another thing I have noticed about myself is: When I am busy with things outside of my orbit, the crumbs literally fall away. Helping homeless, raising money for earthquake victims, navigating a crowded room with a friend who is challenged by walking; it puts my silly problems in perspective.

2. What if-I didn’t overreact when someone asked me a question “wrong” or multiple children all asked me questions at the same time? What if I didn’t get upset when I answered my husband’s question but he didn’t bother to listen to the answer? What if I just went about my business in a happy way and I walked away instead. If he really wants to know the answer I am sure he will come and find me but why do I need to waste time being upset? What if I didn’t get upset when I asked someone a question and they didn’t bother to acknowledge it? Instead of thinking I am invisible what if I just chalk it up to the fact that they didn’t want to answer it, they didn’t hear it, or they just have zero people skills?

3. What if- I only gave myself one goal a day? Instead of always falling short of my to-do list I would be a winner almost every day! I would far exceed all expectations if other things were completed in addition to the one. realistic. goal.

4. What if-I truly gave it all to God? Just trusted more. Not worry so much about how the answer would come, what the next step was, if I was on the path he wants me to be on. How to solve the problem. What if I prayed about the problem, released it, and paid attention when answers were presented to me?

5. What if-I lived my life like it might be my last year? Really. How would you live your last year? If you knew 365 days from now, that was it, would you laugh more? Cook more with your kids? Give them more advice? Or just be quiet and express your love more? What friends would you not bother with because they just “can’t be bothered?”  Would you run and push yourself physically? Or would you enjoy your food more and not worry so much if you gained a pound or two? Would you try to produce something? Would you get all your papers, material items, finances, pictures, and relationships in order? Spend more quality time with your spouse? Take a great family trip this year and not put it off? Invite those friends over for dinner you always think about but never quite get it together to have them over? If I only had one year, really, I would probably eat a lot and have a lot of parties. Maybe we should look at each year as a review with a boss. Do I get to continue for another year? Should I be fired as a wife? Mother? Friend? Employee?  Or should I stop and celebrate success and think for a minute about all of the things I DO do very well?

Nothing is promised to us. Each year is a gift. What will be your presence? Will it be of peace?